shopping info

Placing an Order
You can place an order with Candystore Collective 2 ways, online or by phone. Our customer service line is available Monday through Friday 9am to 6pm Pacific Standard Time at (888) 601-0117. Online orders are received 24 hours a day, and will generally ship within two business days from the time the order is received. We try our best to keep all items in stock, but occasionally we do sell out. If this is the case we will contact you immediately and you may modify or cancel your order. We will send out a confirmation number once your order is on its way with a tracking number if applicable.

Candystore Collective accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. We also sell gift certificates, which are redeemable online or in store. Upon placing an order your credit card will be authorized. Once the order is reviewed and shipped your card will be charged. Sometimes there is a delay between authorization and charging, but assure that only one charge will be billed to your account. For overseas orders and orders shipped to a different shipping address than the billing address a photo I.D may be required.

Security & Privacy Policy
This site is protected with an SSL certificate and all orders and credit cards numbers are kept private. We do not hold credit card information in our system. We also do not share, sell, distribute or do anything not cool with your personal information or email address. Signing up for our mailing list only means that we may contact you about store events, news, sales and parties.

Gift Certificates
Candystore Collective offers gift certificates in a variety of denominations, which you can combine for the perfect amount. Gift certificates never expire and are redeemable online or in the store. Unfortunately gift certificates are not redeemable over the phone. Once you purchase a gift certificate the recipient will receive an email with the gift certificate code and a message from you. You will also receive a confirmation that your gift certificate has been sent.

Sales and Discount Codes
Please note that some items are always excluded from storewide sales and discount codes or coupons. These include:

All artwork under the featured artist category, as well as art prints, paintings, drawings, and mixed media.
All vintage items in the vintage category
All items already marked down greater than 60% in the sale section or elsewhere on the site.

Sale items are non-refundable. Sale items marked down 1% to 40% are eligible for exchange or store credit. Sale items marked down greater than 40% are final sale. Discount codes are not considered "sale" and do not have an effect on the above rule.